How to become a full stack developer


19 January

How to become a full-stack developer? What is the best way to become a full stack developer? Where can I find a full stack developer job description? A quick Google search into both these questions can leave you feeling a bit overwhelmed. You might come across a lot of acronyms such as API design, Front end, Back end and whatnot as just some almost innumerable languages you must master.

This might seem too much for a newbie who is just starting his career in the field of web dev. Even if you’re an experienced person, it might look like a task which is highly time-consuming and extremely challenging. But you don’t have to worry. In the following paragraphs, we will reveal all you need to know on how to become a full stack developer with no experience. We’ll also discuss how much money a newbie full stack takes home per annum. And yes, we’ll also share a few tips and tricks on how to get hired as a full stack developer.

What is a Full Stack Developer?


Any website app in today’s world consists of two parts: back-end/front-end. You must be well-versed in both in order to kick start your career.

  • Front-end: That part of the website that a user actually sees, and interacts with, on his or her browser. It means that when you’re visiting a webpage, you’re dealing with the front-end of that website.  
  • Back-end: This part runs behind the scenes, and this is where all the magic happens. The back-end is responsible for executing all the commands issued by the end-user, storing sensitive data alongside various other things.

A full-stack developer is one who can do is well-versed in both. They are someone who is equally well versed in all the aspects related to a website. He or she must also have the required tools and skillset to build an end-to-end web application.

How to Become a Full Stack Developer


Read on to know-how:

Step 1: Acquire Front-End Technologies

You don’t have to learn every programming language under the sun. It’s impossible for everyone, no matter how skilled you are. All you need to do is to get a good grip over the following languages. They would let you build a solid foundation on which you can then erect your career.

HTML/CSS HTML is the acronym for Hypertext-Markup-Language while CSS is the short form of Cascading-Style-Sheets. Developers use the former in order to input data into their blog and CSS comes in handy for building your app’s infrastructure.

Developers use both of these to design them a website's interface. This design eventually helps the site when it comes to attracting prospective clients who are going to visit your website for the very first time.

You must have these both HTML as well as CSS at your fingertips. You can learn both these languages in person, or in an online class in order to acquire a certain degree of mastery.

JavaScript Many developers term JavaScript as a vital skill for anyone who wants to earn their living in this field.. Here's why we believe them: JavaScript comes to your aid whether you're designing the front-end or the back-end of any website of note.  You can count on it to help you build a website from scratch and add functions that help it look more dynamic once the website is up and running.

That is one of the reasons why employers would expect prospective job candidates to be well-versed in JavaScript. The good news is that, as is the case with other programming languages, you can learn it independently, via the internet, or in a physical class.

React JS Learning React JS makes a ton of sense in 2022. React has been equipped with a JavaScript library that makes it a cinch for you to quickly and efficiently come up with interactive as well as dynamic user interfaces. And the best thing about it? React JS doesn't require much coding.

Also, if you are well-versed in React JS, you'd be able to build mobile as well VR apps. That is to say that its utility isn't limited to complicated platforms. You'd be able to build a lot of exciting stuff without forcing yourself to learn a new programming language or framework.

Back-end Technologies Once you’re well-versed in the standard front-end languages, like the ones mentioned above, it’s time to turn your attention towards the back-end. Coding the back-end is going to be an important part of your job. It will help you make sure your website runs seamlessly.

Here are some of the common languages that can serve your purpose. You don’t have to learn all of them, as anyone will suffice, just enough:

Node.js Want to take your Full Stack career to the next level? Then you cannot ignore the importance of learning Node.js. This back-end language lets you expand all the things you can do with the likes of JavaScript. That's not all.

Thanks to its asynchronous-driven architecture and its reliance on the V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js lets you build dynamic and strong apps without writing code. Aside from that, Node.js is also well-suited to creating microservices, which are going to be the future of the software landscape.

Express.js Express.js lets you build single-page, hybrid, and multipage web apps. Apart from letting you simply and quickly develop Node.js web applications, it's simple and straightforward to set up and customize and is fast to link to the likes of MySQL, Redis, and other databases.

What's more, Express.js is one of the few server frameworks that let you use HTTP methods and URLs to identify your application routes. You can also easily integrate it with multiple template engines, including Vash, Jade, among others.

Step 1(a): Acquire Additional Technologies

Git Git or GitHub is the place where you’re going to spend a lot of time. GitHub or Git can let you control all the development needs from the starting line to the finish line.

Using Git or GitHub allows you to keep track of the recent changes in your code, documents or any other info that is related to your project. This platform keeps track of even the minor modifications in your code which comes in handy when you’re working in a team.

It is therefore highly recommended to make yourself familiar with Git. You must be well-versed in the common Git commands and how you could use this platform with good effect. All this knowledge can help your project go smoothly and in an efficient manner. Step 2: Develop Soft Skills Beyond technical skills, a full stack developer needs to develop the following soft skills. This will help him or her in the long run when it comes to excelling in their position:

Attention to detail You'd be scouring through a whole lot of code, techniques, and datasheets as compared to a software developer. Such a wide range of responsibilities as a full-stack developer means that there is a high chance that bugs will slip right under your nose, which can eventually render all of your code useless.

It is therefore a good idea for professionals in this field to have an eagle eye when it comes to looking out for errors or mistakes. You need to have an eye for detail so even if other people have missed some things, you can always notice it at the right time.

Good communication skills Unlike a front-end or back-end developer, a full-stack developer is collaborating with more stakeholders on a regular basis. They are working directly with the clients, so it is their job to make sure that everything is working in line with the design’s brief.

It is, therefore, an important part of a full-stack developer’s job to communicate in an effective manner. He or she must be a good listener, an excellent communicator, and one who can make sure that every single person in their team is working on the same page.

Problem Solver Being a problem solver your coworkers can rely on is one of the most important parts of a full-stack developer’s job. Things can change fairly quickly in software dev. and depending on your client’s needs, you might have to think on your feet. One has to look at the bigger picture in this role which can make their job easier in the long run.

Step 3: Gain Practical Experience It plays a big role when it comes to landing your job in the software dev. sector. Many persons are working in their teams even without a bachelor’s degree just because they had something to prove their expertise at the time of their interview.

If you’re not currently working in a regular team, you can find countless relevant projects available on the internet. Begin by joining an online course, a Bootcamp, or anything that can be relevant to a full-stack web development environment. These projects will not only be a valuable item on your CV, but at the same time, they will also enhance your knowledge in this field.

Step 4: Develop a Portfolio It doesn’t matter how brilliant you’re in your field or how well versed you are in front-end/back-end development technologies, everybody needs a good online portfolio in order to land their dream job in today’s market.

Start with by adding your strongest projects to your CV. For a newbie who is looking on how to become a full-stack developer with no experience, add mock projects or something you did for an online project. Remember, all code is good code as long as it is up to the mar

Step 5: Start Applying Given that these jobs are in high demand, there is a wide range of work boards dedicated to people looking to land their dream job in this sector. Start applying with these portals, or you can also go via the conventional way and contact potential employers directly on LinkedIn and other leading job portals.

How Much Does a Full Stack Developer Earn?

According to Glassdoor, the full-stack developer salary in the US is $99,000 per annum. It tends to rise with your experience in this field. And when the demand for these pros is expected to go up by 22% in the next ten years, now seems to be a good time to be a full stack developer.

Keep in mind that the salary mentioned here is for a person who is just starting in the field. With the passage of time, and as your skills improve, you could earn north of that amount. Add to that the increased demand for a qualified person, and you can get a full stack developer job that pays even more.


It might seem hard at first, but becoming a full-stack developer is not as hard as it might look. All you need is relevant experience in this field, and this can take you forward within no time. Any full stack developer is a crucial part of any software development team, which makes them a prized asset for their organization.


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